How do ICEF graduates' careers work out? What do they learn at ICEF? What are the academic mobility opportunities? Oleg Zamkov, Deputy Director of the International College of Economics and Finance answers applicants' main questions.

Juan Sota came to Moscow for Madrid to study Russian for a year in HSE's Preparatory Year programme. This fall, he'll begin the university's Russian-taught Bachelor's programme in the School of History.
Juan Sota is from Madrid. He finished school in Spain and came to Russia to study at the Pre-University Training Faculty hoping to progress to a degree course at the School of History at HSE.
Dormitories with WiFi and other amenities are offered to all international students for heavily discounted fees.

Maxim Nikitin, HSE Professor and Academic Supervisor of the ICEF Masters Programme in Financial Economics, tells us about the programme’s achievements and innovations, about its intake procedure in 2015, and about the 2014 and 2015 graduates.
‘The University of Passau is the youngest HEI in Bavaria but has earnt itself a good reputation since it opened in 1978,’ says Svetlana Maltseva, Academic Supervisor of the Master’s programme in Big Data Systems. ‘For more than ten years the university has occupied a leading position in German and European rankings in Law, Management and International Relations.’