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Tag "master's programmes "

ICEF Master’s Programme: Financial Experts Today

On November 13, 2016, the Master’s Programme in Financial Economics will hold an Open House. Maksim Nikitin, Academic Supervisor of the programme, spoke to the HSE News Service about who contemporary financial experts are and where ICEF Master’s graduates find jobs today.

HSE Days Held in Mongolia

HSE Days Held in Mongolia
In late October 2016, an HSE delegation visited Mongolia to hold HSE Days in Ulaanbaatar.

Applications Open for 2017 International Admissions

On November 1, applications opened for 2017 admissions to undergraduate and graduate programmes at HSE. This year, a new online application system has been introduced to simplify the procedure for international applicants.

Opening Ceremony of ‘Global Business’ Programme

On October 18th, 2016,  the opening ceremony of the master’s programme ‘Global Business’ was held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod. Representatives from the three partner universities took part in the event.

Our Summer Studying Shamans, the Mayan calendar, and the Kaqchikel Language

Our Summer Studying Shamans, the Mayan calendar, and the Kaqchikel Language
Is it possible to learn a new language well enough in just two weeks to conduct linguistic research on it? This is an entirely standard practice for linguists, according to Sasha Kozhukhar and Liza Vostokova, both students in the Linguistic Theory and Language Description master’s programme. This past summer, Sasha and Liza went on an expedition to Guatemala to study Kaqchikel, an indigenous Mayan language.

Search for Opportunities Abroad Brings Indonesian Student to HSE

Juniar Laraswanda Umagapi, a native of Ternate in East Indonesia, is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Political Analysis and Public Policy at HSE. She originally discovered the programme on StudyPortals, and agreed to speak about her experience researching and applying to international universities.

HSE Launches Joint Double Degree Master’s Programme with Paris-Sorbonne

The Higher School of Economics (HSE) has signed an agreement on establishing a joint double degree master’s programme with the University of Paris-IV (Sorbonne) in partnership with the French University College in Moscow. The agreement is applicable to following master's programmes: Philosophical Anthropology, Historical Knowledge, History of Artistic Culture and the Art Market, and Philosophy and History of Religion.

In-depth Training in Applied History at HSE St Petersburg

David Damtar from Ghana and Samrat Sil from India are both pursuing Master’s degrees in Applied and Interdisciplinary History at HSE St Petersburg. HSE student Julia Nikolaenko talked with them about their academic backgrounds, reasons for choosing HSE, and impressions of life in Russia.

How to Manage Finance in a Crisis

Professor Elena Rogova, Dean of the HSE St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management, Academic Director of the ACCA-accredited Master in Finance programme shares her vision on modern education in the area of financial management and building a successfull career in the times of turbulent economy.

First Graduates Complete Double-degree Master’s Programme in Big Data Systems and Information Systems Management

On June 27, 2016, the first graduation ceremony for the double-degree Master’s programme in Big Data Systems and Information Systems Management was held at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. The ceremony marks three years of successful collaboration between HSE and University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien.