HSE Days Held in Mongolia
The delegation included Alexey Maslov, head of the HSE School of Asian Studies and a renowned expert on the region, Tatiana Chetvernina, director of HSE International Admissions, Denis Fomenkov, dean of the HSE Nizhny Novgorod Faculty of Management, and Ekaterina Sintsova, a manager in HSE’s International Admissions Office.
Between October 26 and November 2, the delegation held International Olympiad Competitions for Mongolian secondary school students, visited the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Sports and the National University of Mongolia, and delivered lectures and masterclasses.
Since HSE’s initial visit to Mongolia in December 2015, the number of applications from Mongolian students to HSE programs has greatly increased. Organized with the support of the Embassy of Mongolia in Moscow, this was the second time that HSE held International Olympiad Competitions in Ulaanbaatar. More than 400 secondary school students participated in the event, which was held at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics with the support of the Russkiy Mir Foundation in Ulaanbaatar.
The HSE delegation met with Mr. Batsuuri Jamiyansuren, Minister of Education, Culture, Science, and Sports, and Ms. E. Enkh-Amgalan, Director of External Cooperation Division, who expressed willingness on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Sports to further support HSE initiatives in Mongolia.
In a meeting with Dr. R. Bat-Erdene, Rector of the National University of Mongolia, a memorandum of understanding was signed to lay the foundation for future collaborative activities. Dr. Maslov delivered a lecture titled “Russia in Modernized Asia: New Challenges and New Ideas”, which was attended by more than 200 university students.
HSE’s visit was not only to universities; the delegation also visited to schools to meet with administrators, teachers, and students currently deciding where to study. At the Russian Embassy School in Mongolia, Dr. Fomenkov held a masterclass titled “Competencies and Technologies of the Future: How to Remain Competitive After University”, in which he discussed how to anticipate which competencies will be most in demand as industries evolve. HSE also visited the International School of Ulaanbaatar and the Ulaanbaatar Empathy School.
HSE will continue to strengthen its ties in Mongolia and hopes to welcome more Mongolian students to its campuses in 2017.