HSE Nizhny Novgorod has launched a new MA programme that aims to develop the professional and interpersonal skills managers need to work in the global economy. Global Business includes unparalleled interaction with partner Universities in Europe – including the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria) and Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy).
Tag "master's programmes "
HSE Nizhny Novgorod has launched a new MA programme that aims to develop the professional and interpersonal skills managers need to work in the global economy. Global Business includes unparalleled interaction with partner Universities in Europe – including the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria) and Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy).
Joint classes will begin in February 2015 for first-year master’s students in the State and Local Administration programme at HSE’s St. Petersburg campus and students in the Urban Studies and Planning master’s programme at the University of Maryland (U.S.). Classes will be held in the format of video conferences and take place once a week over the course of three semesters.
In the new academic year, HSE’s Master’s Programme in Applied Cultural Studies is offering three new courses developed together with the Polytechnic Museum, Reinwardt Academie (Amsterdam, Netherlands), and the University of Leicester's School of Museum Studies (Leicester, Great Britain). The courses are called ‘Museology,’ ‘Museums in the Digital Age,’ and ‘Curating in the Modern Museum’.

On June 16, 2014, the International Master in Comparative Social Research Open Day will be held at the HSE. The event is organized by the HSE Faculty of Sociology in Moscow and St. Petersburg together with the Laboratory of Comparative Social Research.