London School of Public Relations (Indonesia) Visits HSE
On June 15-16, Gesille Sedra Buot, Director of International Relations at the London School of Public Relations (LSPR) in Indonesia, visited HSE to meet with members from the university’s international department and faculties. Earlier this year, a HSE delegation visited Indonesia and Ms. Buot’s visit to HSE is the latest development in the effort to create joint programs between HSE and LSPR.
Based in Jakarta, LSPR is one of Indonesia’s top private universities and widely recognized as Indonesia’s top institution for graduate studies in communications.
During Ms. Buot’s visit to Moscow, she met with representatives from HSE’s International Admission Office, International Cooperation Office, School of Asian Studies, School of Business Administration, and International Student Support Office.
A general overview of the different areas for cooperation was discussed in a meeting with HSE Deputy First Vice Rector Boris Zhelezov, Head of International Cooperation Office Marina Batalina, Director for International Admission Tatiana Chetvernina, Head of the School of Asian Studies Aleksey Maslov, and International Admissions Manager Ekaterina Sintsova. Among the potential projects discussed were student and professor exchanges, joint professional trainings on business and public relations in Asia, a joint Master’s program, and a joint Russian-Asian study center
In a meeting with HSE’s School of Business Administration, Ms. Buot and Anna Yakovleva, the School’s Deputy Head for International Relations, discussed summer and winter short-term programs and exchanges for students and professors.
Ms. Buot met with Sofia Saykova, the Head of the International Student Support Office, to better understand the international student experience at HSE and what services are provided. Since some of LSPR’s students have never been to Russia or Europe before, it is important to provide full support as they adapt to life in Moscow.
The visit was Ms. Buot’s first time in Moscow and she expressed that the city would be a very exciting location for Indonesian students to study. Further meetings between HSE and LSPR are planned to be held in the fall and in the meantime agreements and program plans are being finalized.