HSE University launches a new project for everyone involved in creating or running their own business
HSE's new project "Inspired by Your Bright Future: HSE Business Talk" is created for participants from all over the world as a platform for public discussions with industry experts about business, entrepreneurship, investments and new technologies.
Alexander Deev, Director of HSE International Admissions
When we were thinking of this project, we kept in mind an idea of establishing a community of students, young professionals and all those involved in creating or running their own business
The project includes a series of special events:
- Zoom webinars with experts
- Live streams on social media (Instagram / Facebook/ YouTube)
- Meetings with HSE alumni
- Business Breakfast Club
and much more! The first three meetings are dedicated to the pandemic impact on international business from the "International Business" Master’s programme (MIB). Visit the project website for more information and registration for the next webinar, which is due on December 4, Friday, at 7 pm Moscow time.
Ekaterina Sintsova, project manager
We want to make the project useful so that the knowledge one gains during the HSE Business Talk series can be implemented in real life. At the same time, the project will help participants understand that more knowledge can be achieved already at HSE University
To learn more about HSE University, its admission process, or life in Moscow, please contact the Education & Training Advisory Centre.