Prospective Students Can Now Attend HSE Master’s Programme Lectures Online
This is a unique academic opportunity available to foreign citizens. Class Experience participants may attend any lecture offered by a master’s programme of their choice to see firsthand what studying at HSE University is like. If you are interested in more than one Master's programme, you can join several lecture classes, but no more than one per programme.
The programme includes all lectures available at four HSE campuses: Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, and Perm. The lectures will be selected in accordance with the students' interests. A Class Tour Experience manager will coordinate the date and time that is convenient for the participant and then send the link to the online lecture (typically held on Zoom). It is possible to choose English or Russian as the language of instruction.
Online registration begins on October 22, 2020.
To participate in the programme, please complete an application form on the website and indicate your areas of interest as well as convenient time slots (date and time). A programme representative will get in touch with you via email.
We hope that you will enjoy the class and remember this experience with HSE University!