HSE Strengthens Ties with Indonesian Universities
The delegation included Dr. Alexey Maslov, the head of HSE’s School of Asian Studies and a renowned expert on the region, Dr. Olga Eremina, the head of HSE’s Russian Language Center, Mr. Alexander Sirotkin, the academic supervisor of the Big Data Analysis for Business, Economy and Society Master’s program at HSE St. Petersburg, and Ms. Ekaterina Sintsova, a manager in HSE’s International Admissions Office. Over the course of a week, the delegation visited universities, led lectures and masterclasses, and interviewed Indonesian applicants to HSE.
Since HSE first visited Indonesia in Fall 2014, the number of Indonesian applicants to the university’s programs has increased dramatically. For this most recent visit, HSE organized events responding to specific demands and interests that are highly relevant to Indonesian students, educators, and administrators.
In Jakarta, the delegation organized HSE Day at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture and the event that was attended by interested students and teachers. The event featured lectures in English, with Dr. Maslov presenting “Modern Russian and the Changing World”, Dr. Eremina addressing “Why Russian? Why Moscow? Why HSE? – Why Not?”, and Mr. Sirotkin discussing “Economy as a Big Game that We All Play”. An active question and answer session followed, as well as a quiz for attendees to test their knowledge of Russia and HSE. Participants were able to ask HSE representatives questions about the application process and about life in Moscow.
Dr. Maslov met with the Russian Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Mikail Galuzin, to discuss opportunities for collaboration in the areas of economics and education. Dr. Eremina held a masterclass for Russian-language teachers in Indonesia, sharing effective techniques for tackling complex topics. Interviews were also held for Indonesian students who had already applied to HSE or intended to do so.
The delegation visited six universities, including the University of Indonesia, the London School of Public Relations, Universitas Trilogi, Universitas Padjadjaran, and the Bandung Institute of Technology. During these visits, members of the delegation gave presentations and lectures for students and teachers and also met with representatives from the institutions’ leadership. Discussions addressed creating student and faculty exchanges, designing internship programs and summer modules, and growing Russian language instruction In Indonesia. In addition to all this, the delegation also met with the Indonesian Association of Alumni of Russian Universities to strategize how to promote Russian higher education opportunities in Indonesia.
In the span of just a week, the delegation managed to hold many meetings with administrators, educators, and students representing a variety of different interests. HSE is now working to continue to develop its activities in Indonesia and is optimistic about increased cooperation between Russian and Indonesian universities.